I’ve made a variety of semi-animated short films for my college tv series WhaleHammer (2007 – 2011), as well as a multitude of live action shorts that I’ve directed or starred in.
Storybook Pictureshow: 5 short animatic stories I made. I’ve learned a lot about sound design since these were released. The third, “Gregory the Hero,” is my personal favorite.
Very Hungry Caterpilar Music Video: I illustrated, animated and composed the music for the following short piece.
And, here’s a performance of me dancing on a Baltimore morning news show – between vimeo and youtube, it’s been viewed almost a million times. As the video description states: I thought I was there for a lesson, but due to a lack of communication, I was forced to make up a dance on live TV.
For other live content I’ve created or starred in, here’s a sizzle reel from my college TV show WhaleHammer (edited by Max Blecker for our final season). Content warning: excessive violence, language, guys with their shirts off.