Membership Survey Posted on 25/04/2017 by aladdin Welcome to your Membership Survey Name Email Do you sometimes have trouble falling asleep at night? Yes No I don't sleep and it doesn't bother me I don't sleep and it bothers me None Do you sometimes feel alone in crowded places? Yes No I don't understand the question None Are you cool? Yes No I don't understand the question None Have you ever had a near death experience? No Yes None Comment Have you ever eaten from the body of an animal that you killed? Yes No Vegan None Have you ever engaged in acts of protest or civil disobedience? Yes No None Have you ever had a meaningful religious experience? Yes No None As a child, did you ever feel threatened by supernatural forces? Yes No None As a student, did you generally feel that the grades you received reflected your proficiency in those subjects? Yes No Not Applicable None What genres of literature are you interested in? Choose all that apply. Fantasy Cosmic Horror Gothic Romance Historical Nonfiction Dark Humor Alt Lit Weird Lit Elizabethan Drama Dystopian Lit YA Personal Essay Philosophy Erotica Graphic Novels Humor Cartoons If the government were replaced with a new regime, but your tax rates stayed the same, do you think you'd care? Yes No I don't pay taxes None Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results! Time's up